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2230 Montgomery, 5Y 2850 Selma Highway
36108 Montgomery

(334) 288-3111

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Christopher Hadden Source: Cylex | 19.07.2014
I have never had an issue with Sunday Dinner until this week. I purchased a Brisket on Thursday afternoon and rushed home put it in the Fridge. I found that I did not need this Brisket later that night and instructed my wife to return the meat the next day. She called me from the parking lot saying they would not return the meat due to "Health Regulations" Bull f*****. If I brought the still sealed package back to Wal-Mart/Winn Dixie or any other retailer the return would have been issued without hesitation. I have a real problem with this. I expressed my dismay with others in my peer group and they were suprised as well.

I work every day in a retail environment and understand the customer service level that is necessary for repeat business. This unfortunatley will result in my mass meat purchases to be directed to another source. I regularly smoke meats and grill out and have done several events for 150+ people in the last year. I have purchased butts and brisket without any issues from Sunday Dinner before. I used to value them as a source but will go elsewhere.

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