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55408 Minneapolis

+1 612-823-4111

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Recent reviews on Yably

Christian Korab Source: Cylex | 23.06.2020
Until recently, I have tolerated Mary's self-interested and argumentative personality. Our friction never prevented me from getting what I need nor amounted to undue cost of time or money. My skills as a creative professional and university professor have me practiced with difficult people, and I've needed very few direct interaction's with Mary over 12 years. Indeed, the actual necessity of direct interaction with insurance agents, as with car salespeople, real estate agents and the like, is quite predictably rare. When I recently needed to review my insurance architecture and costs with probing questions and major changes, Mary's behaviors became unacceptably unprofessional, offensively unethical and some of them possibly illegal. My problems with her have persisted for three months, because State Farm corporate makes it very, very difficult to change agents. Mary still refuses to cancel a policy I told her I want her to cancel three months ago and State Farm corporate insists that Mary must do the cancellation and that I can't self-serve the cancellation. The whole system is screwed up and Mary's disagreeable behavior is non-negotiably at the center of it. If I refuse to pay the renewal premium, the contract stipulates the condition of non-payment goes to a collection agency rather than simply cancelling the contract. Thus my problem--now being bullied in to continued ownership of something I no longer want--persists with an uncooperative agent, an inflexible corporate system and potential consequences to my credit rating. We call this civilization? Sorry it's come to me bad-mouthing you, Mary. I warned you about this.

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