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33147 Miami

(305) 693-5133

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Recent reviews on Yably

Varde Texver Gixfus Source: Cylex | 10.02.2015
I'm having nothing but continuing problems with my shipment. It all has to do with the local receiving agent: EcoroCaribe. After my original consolidator intervened, they admitted that they were wrong to charge me for ocean freight and told me -- orally at least -- that they would not demand $400 payment for that. I emphasize that they only said this, they didn't provide any other written evidence and their subsequent behavior makes me doubt everything they do or say. They said I could come to the warehouse and pick up the shipment. When I got there, they said the customs agent was required and was not present, and to come back tomorrow. This is no short trip to their warehouse, incidentally. I returned the next day, and they unpacked the shipment with me and their customs agent to confirm that it was as I described: Used farm equipment with a value of $120. They acknowledge the contents were as I described. For shipments less than $1000 in value, no customs declaration is required, but their local agent said that in this case, it was required, for reasons unknown. They recommended a local customs agent to do the work, saying that they would not fill out the form. When I went a local customs agent, she said she had nothing but trouble from EconoCaribe, and she recommended I simply forget about proceeding. She said that she would fill out the form for a fee of $120, plus whatever import customs were assessed, but that when I returned with this paperwork to the EconoCaribe warehouse, they would assess many additional charges. She'd seen it many, many times and therefore she recommended that I simply drop it. I have just concluded a 20-minute telephone conversation with EconoCaribe. They provide no further explanation and refuse to release my shipment. I believe EconoCaribe erects every barrier they can find, and assesses every malarkey expense they can find. I do not believe that they are honest brokers. I will spread the story of my displeasure as widely as I can across the Internet. A very frustrated and angry customer.

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