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Hours set on 09/01/2024
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Recent reviews on Yably

DanM Source: Cylex | 26.06.2012
I'm in the military and was moving from Melbourne, FL to California. I needed to get the front brakes changed before my trip and didn't have the time to do it myself. I went to the Midas dealer in Melbourne, FL on Babcock St to have them checked out and a price quote. I was told that I needed new rotors and pads and that it would cost $500.00 to have this done. I told them that they are c**** and explained my situation and that I did not have time to do it myself. I told the guy that I would take the time and do it myself for less than $150.00 in parts. The man kept trying to get me to change my mind and told me he would do it for $450.00. I told him "No" and to put the tires back on my car. It took him almost an hour to put the tires on and he decided to tighten the lug nuts as tight as he could. When I left, I purchased the parts for $137.00 and went home to put them on. When I tried to get the lug nuts off, they were so tight that they could not be removed without an air wrench. I then went to T. and asked them how much they would charge to loosen the lug nugs and he told me they would do it for free. The mechanic came out to loosen them and I explained what happened and began to laugh. He said they had done it on purpose. He could barely get them off with the air wrench. Once they were loosend I went home and changed the rotors and brakes for a total of $137.00 instead of the $500.00 quote that Midas would have charged me. This place is a RIPOFF and I warn you not to go there, if they don't get your business, they will get mad and most likely end up doing something to your car to give you more trouble. Again STAY AWAY from the place, they will RIP YOU OFF!!!

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