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920 Medina Road
44256 Medina

(330) 239-1113

Opening hours

Hours set on 13/03/2024
09:00 AM - 06:00 PM
09:00 AM - 06:00 PM
09:00 AM - 06:00 PM
09:00 AM - 07:00 PM
09:00 AM - 06:00 PM
10:00 AM - 04:00 PM

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Recent reviews on Yably

Nicole Source: Cylex | 29.08.2022
Avoid at all cost! My husband and I purchased a truck from Southern Select at the end of July. The truck did not even make it back to our home before breaking down. While the shop did offer to fix the truck, they asked us to tow at our expense and when we refused tried to strong arm us by saying if we did not get the truck there right away their mechanic would be on vacation for a week. This is the day after we paid cash for a truck. While they did offer to take a look at the truck, I was asked four different times to foot the bill (in a variety of ways) for the tow because, as the salesman said “I’m not trying to spend that much money.” The mechanic did look at the truck the day before we picked it up and the truck still had issues which resulted in the breakdown on the way home. After terrible customer service we decided to take the truck elsewhere to have repairs. These repairs ended up costing us in addition to the original tow when the car broke down. This company does not stand behind their products and does not sell quality goods. Avoid at all costs. I wish we would have.
Nicole Provencher-Natale 29.08.2022
Avoid at all cost! My husband and I purchased a truck from Southern Select at the end of July. The truck did not even make it back to our home before breaking down. While the shop did offer to fix the truck, they asked us to tow at our expense and when we refused tried to strong arm us by saying if we did not get the truck there right away their mechanic would be on vacation for a week. This is the day after we paid cash for a truck. While they did offer to take a look at the truck, I was asked four different times to foot the bill (in a variety of ways) for the tow because, as the salesman said “I’m not trying to spend that much money.” The mechanic did look at the truck the day before we picked it up and the truck still had issues which resulted in the breakdown on the way home. After terrible customer service we decided to take the truck elsewhere to have repairs. These repairs ended up costing us in addition to the original tow when the car broke down. This company does not stand behind their products and does not sell quality goods. Avoid at all costs. I wish we would have.

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