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289 Jonesboro Rd, Ste 436
30253 McDonough

(470) 222-0912

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Jake Hidalgo Source: Cylex | 12.10.2017
Very good
My cousin referred me to Public Adjusting Consulting Service, so we decided to call them up. The past few months have been incredibly stressful! Our property has endured some harsh damage in multiple areas. Fortunately, this company has made the entire situation a lot smoother. They listened to what happened, kept an open mind, and walked us through the process every step of the way. They came over to the property several times to further assess the place and we could only expect the best. To our surprise, they went above and beyond for us. They made sure to follow up with us several times and kept us abreast. We could not say enough about the amazing service they provided us with!
jenimitch Source: Cylex | 05.09.2017
Very good
At first we attempted to work with our insurance company to resolve our claim, but unfortunately we were in a bad position and did not receive the service that we expected. This was when we found Professional Adjusting & Consulting Service who provided us with their expertise and put all their attention on our situation. Their professionals relieved a huge burden on our shoulder and presented our claim which we were very unsuccessful doing. They paid close attention to detail and made us a priority. Despite the time consuming process, they increased the settlement amounts and we could not be happier. Not only did we receive top notch services, but they did the job at an affordable price. We will gladly share their name!
Bor Doxlux Lusca Source: Cylex | 15.02.2016
Very good
After the flood, I was so emotionally stressed and not able to think clearly. Thanks to PACS, they were able to guide me and offer me advice when it came to making critical decisions. They were so professional, and whenever I needed to get in touch with them, they were prompt in returning my phone calls and late night emails. They handled my situation with ease which clearly comes to show that they are experienced and skilled at what they do. They know the business inside and out. They did an excellent job as the liaison between me and my insurance company. I have already recommended them to a few of my colleagues. You will not go wrong with them!

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