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11623 Fairgrove Industrial Blvd
63043 Maryland Heights

(314) 600-0473

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Hours may differ - changed a while ago
09:00 AM - 06:00 PM
09:00 AM - 06:00 PM
09:00 AM - 06:00 PM
09:00 AM - 06:00 PM
09:00 AM - 06:00 PM

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Branden Orr Source: Cylex | 10.02.2024
To keep this short, you should definitely try to find a better shop with more integrity to take your car to. If you would like details, read below.

When I found a car I had been wanting for a long time for sale, I asked Ahmed if he wanted the work. I wasn’t asking for much. I wanted a wire tuck in the engine bay, big brake kit, air ride suspension new rims and tires, larger front mount intercooler and most importantly a tune. But that is the major scope of the work. He quickly compiled a list of parts that needed to be ordered and sent me a work order for about $26k, $15k of which was parts and needed to be paid to get started.

Fast forward 8 months, nothing has been done. The car is sitting there. I check in with him about once a month but it’s always the same story. I’ve been busy, we lost an employee, we just hire a new employee and should be starting on your car soon etc.

Finally after about 8 months of nothing getting done we send the car around the corner to get painted.

Once the car got back in to Habibi nothing happened for about 8-9 months. I confirmed with him that my car was being stored inside and safe to which he said it was. Finally in September of 2021 I got a call from my STL realtor that he drove by the shop multiple times and had seen my car sitting outside unmoved for weeks, and on top of that they had a hail storm about 4 weeks previous l and the vehicle I had just spent 30k repainting now had hail damage. Ahmed didn’t answer any call or of mine for about a week after this so I flew out to STL to see for myself.

When I got there. Wouldn’t you know the car was sitting outside with little hail dents on it.

He apologizes and does his song and dance about how he is going to make this right. He wants to finish the car etc. He says he is waiting on insurance to pay out the claim to get the dents pulled and that he is going to personally pay to get the car ceramic coated as an apology. I stupidly agree to let him keep going on the car. I tell him I want the car fixed and I’ll pay for the dents to be repaired and get my reimbursement from insurance when it comes through. He assure me my car will stay inside and not be moved in and out.

About 4 months after I pay for the damage he caused to my car by leaving it outside I’m finally able to get a hold of his insurance agent who tells me that Ahmed received payment for the repair 3 months ago! So I paid to have the damage repaired and he kept the insurance money. His agent must have called him because I suddenly got a random message from him that he received the insurance money and he would apply the credit towards the labor on my car.

About 3 months after this he sends me a bill for about $12k for various parts and labor to finish the car. I go over everything and show him his discrepancies and missing payments I made to him and that my invoice should be about $2-4k.

Keep in mind the original quote to do everything on the car was $26,861.89 and at this point I had already paid $29,620.50, and he was requesting another $12,000 and saying it may be 2-4k over that to complete.

He has not choice but to concede as I have the payments on my credit card statement. He says okay and that he’ll revise the invoice. He then sends me the revised invoice for $10,862.59 as he upped the hourly rate he quoted me from $120 per hour to $145 per hour to make up the difference. I begrudgingly pay the invoice as all I want at this point is my car to be completed.

Finally about 6 months after all this the car is nearing completion and I get a call from Ahmed saying , “ Hey, did you know the car needed to be tuned.” To which I reply to him, “Yes, and you did too. That is the original reason I brought you the car.” Well it turns out that one of his techs decided that he was going to test drive the car. Pushed it too hard and blew the motor.

I still haven’t decided if I’m going to sue them. I probably should.

I’m going to put up the photos of the work

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