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4404 122 street
79423 Lubbock

(806) 787-5407

Opening hours

Hours may differ - changed a while ago
10:30 AM - 06:00 PM
10:30 AM - 06:00 PM
10:30 AM - 06:00 PM
10:30 AM - 06:00 PM
10:30 AM - 05:30 PM
10:30 AM - 05:30 PM

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Recent reviews on Yably

Keeli Adams 10.08.2022
I ordered a cooler for my mom a week before my her birthday. (Normal shipping was set to arrive in 7-10 days) I paid the extra for expedited shipping, had to ask for updates along the way since I didn’t hear any updates myself. 8 days later the cooler finally arrived, to the wrong place. Apparently it was sent back to where it came from, so it would take even longer for me to receive. I asked for a refund for the expedited shipping, still wanting the cooler since it was a gift. I got offered $20 store credit which is $9 less than even the NORMAL shipping, not even close to the expedited cost. I asked for a straight out refund for at-least the difference between the expedited and normal shipping, understanding i still would have had to pay something for the shipping anyways. I was told I would get a venmo for the difference as soon as the owner got to the store. The next afternoon, after still not receiving anything from venmo, I reached out again, saying I just wanted a full refund as I would be taking my business elsewhere, since by this point it had been 2 WEEKS since I ordered the cooler, and a week since I had asked for a refund for the difference in shipping. I was told her venmo wasn’t working, her bank account got hacked, she was out of town and not able to send the money, she would be in and out of the store so finding a time to meet her to get my money back was hard. Finally 3 weeks later I got my money back, still lost $29 for the shipping of the cooler that I never received. I will not be giving my business to loolahs again.

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