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1915 Texas Ave
79411 Lubbock

(800) 570-3787

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Hours may differ - changed a while ago
08:00 AM - 05:30 PM
08:00 AM - 05:30 PM
08:00 AM - 05:30 PM
08:00 AM - 05:30 PM
08:00 AM - 05:30 PM

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Recent reviews on Yably

Haylee Jacobs Source: Cylex | 25.09.2021
I am very disappointed and frustrated with the work I received from J Dee's imports. They lack communication skills, and professional courtesy for their customers in my opinion. I had to get my car towed to J Dees after getting a battery changed and wires were crossed. They had my car for weeks and never called me to let me know anything and anytime I would call they had no information and said they would call back and never did. The only time I got a call was to inform me that not only did they have to replace the computer module but they needed to replace the steering module. Well a week passes and my total has now gone up from 800 to 2400 and they still need to get the harness. I have been calling with no information ever given to me. I'm a single mom with two kids and I had to find a ride to take my kids to school everyday for a month and a half. Finally, they call me to get my car and I go and pay and pick it up and as soon as I get in I notice that my gauges, blinkers, key fab, and later on notice my trunk wont unlatch. I am still in the parking lot and go right back inside and say that I just paid $2400 to not have my vehicle almost two months and its not even fixed right. The guy tells me that the person that picked it up and drove it down the street isn't a mechanic so he didnt know and if I wanted it fixed right it would take more time and cost me more money. That was literally all the money I had so I had to take it home. I am a young woman who knows nothing mechanically and I noticed before I even put the gear in reverse that the gauges weren't working. The fact that they took my money and I did not get a drivable car is devastating to me. It has been probably 6 months or so and I still am unable to drive that car because they did not fix it right the first time and wouldn't fix their mistake of over charging for a job they did not deliver on while not keeping me informed. When I tried to be nice and see if they could fix it to where I could at least drive it without getting pulled over for no blinkers they were rude, unprofessional, and in my opinion greedy. I will definitely be suing this company when I have a little more money saved. I have all of my call logs and calls recorded with them along with my bill. Another bill for a car I had to go buy and every time I tried to call and get any information. Along with recordings of our conversation of me asking if they could fix my car since I paid them 2400 and them denying me any decency, taking ,my money, and telling me I'm out of luck. I have also went to Alderson and it could have been a simple fix I just have not had the money to pay them for a job I already paid for. These guys are either lazy, don't care about their work, or just thieves that take peoples money and guarantee but don't deliver. I have literally never been as disappointed with any work or services I have ever received in my life.

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