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Recent reviews on Yably

MRI w/wo contrast Source: Cylex | 04.09.2022
Previous MRI/CT Scans, etc. had been uneventful until my last MRI which required an IV for contrast dye. The Tech tried to insert the IV needle 2 or 3 times in my Left arm, which hurt worse than any 'stick' ever before, and resulted in a COLLAPSED VEIN and subsequent Hematoma! Then she tried my Right arm without success and another Tech came in and said he would go above the muscle. On that 2nd or 3rd attempt, he finally succeeded- but- then my Right arm's vein was badly bruised, swollen... When I went back to speak with someone in authority, I was told "that happens sometimes." So, to add to an already stressful closed MRI procedure, I now have pain in my Left arm and may not be able to have an IV in that arm any time soon, if ever. CAVEAT EMPTOR- Go to a hospital lab where the staff are highly trained, supervised, and reliable!!!
Zellin Suxrex Isvak Source: Cylex | 08.08.2016
My name is mark williams i paid $40 dollars (co-pay) and tried 4 times to get the MRI and each time it hurt more than the first time well i was told i can get my $40 dollars back at least something good came out of this unpleasent experience which was my neck not Highfield MRI fault i must have a really messed up neck because no matter what they tried i couldnt get confortable enough to finish the or even get started last resort valum same outcome i go to see a surgeon september 1st i hope i can find out thru him whats wrong

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