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1467 Sunset Blvd
90026 Los Angeles


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Ginger Medina Source: Cylex | 21.04.2020
Very good
I contacted this company for the water heater repair that I needed today. I was very lucky because they responded quickly and addressed my concerns properly. The plumber arrived on time and didn't try to upsell me. He explained the process and finished according to what I expected. Thank you very much! I will highly recommend this company to everyone I know.
Lon Becas Kenlor Source: Cylex | 13.04.2020
Very good
Remarkable toilet installation! It was this plumbing company that was able to handle it, and they even managed to deliver it with no delays. They were truly masterful, and the service they provided was truly reliable. I could not ask for more from these guys because they are truly amazing at everything. Well done, guys! THANKS!
Betty Townsend Source: Cylex | 06.04.2020
Very good
The service was a professional and the prices were reasonable. This company is now my go-to plumbing repair company. They attended my leaky faucet repair needs to a very high standard at a very affordable rate. The plumber did not try to upsell me and no hidden charges. I had a good experience and I recommend them to others!

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