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Arthur Swingler Source: Cylex | 14.02.2022
*Buyer beware of*

Oro Tech fine Jewelry

655 S. HILL ST. A-35
Los Angeles, CA 90014



Hello David,

I hoped you would've understood my reasons for not returning and spending my hard earned money with you. Since you insisted to verbally attack me by text message - I will entertain your ignorance and greed for money. For you to continously grossly take advantage of customers during a pandemic situation just because you think you can, is disappointing to treat a repeat customer or anyone who drove over six hours for you and your business. You acted as if you were doing me a favor by grossly trying to overcharged me as if it's ok. I explained I would pay you more for the same earrings I previously perchased a few months ago but not the price you quoted because of a pandemic. I also explained to you the day prior over the phone what I was in the market for and made sure you knew who I was and wanted a fair deal. I'm sorry to have to remind you again you just poorly did your job with not much success with me. This may be why your still in the same booth praying on people instead of taking care of the customer in front of you willing to spend at least 5K or more with you. I just wanted you to realize and be fair to customers who are the main reasons you can eat. Only if you and your family would understand that customers are your livelihood which can lead you to success or failure. Without excellent customers care and service you may not eat. Remember customers are your main event not your products. Please never forget or personally attack another customer.

I continued to plead with you over three different times with zero success. So you wonder why I left without saying goodbye per your rude unprofessional text to me and said I was rude. Trust me - it was in my best interest to depart without acknowledging you or your family. Just so you know I enjoyed Mrs. Patty and Zad's professionalism and products. They earned my respect and business by over 5K.
Now you leave me no choice but to post reviews about your predatorial behaviors and practices for self greed without care or compation for your customers. The final thing you did David Ely was to show me a receipt on how you overcharge another customer while I walked away for a 5 minutes. That was very unfortunate and unprofessional for you to show me your record receit of theft by taking advantage of the pandemic and people. You are sick and out of touch with humanity or compassion during a pandemic. So let me inform you how fortunate you are for having any customers come to your booth business and your willingness to take advantage of anyone or anything is totally unexceptable. I promise you and your family to post my experiences with you make witness to other my experiences with you so that innocent people will know your unsatisfactory business standards and practices so they can make an informed decision before giving you, your family and Oro Tech fine Jewelry their business but most importantly time.

Remember, what you do; you will answer for. Show repentance, be holy because you cannot take nothing with you or hussle your way to eternal life.

I will continue to pray for you David & Elana Ely

Arthur Swingler 🙏🏻

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