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111 W. Ocean Blvd
90802 Long Beach

(562) 526-1224

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Hours may differ - changed a while ago
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Elias Moody Source: Cylex | 06.03.2022
Very good
If your looking for a lawyer that cares and is truly honest Belal Hamideh should be your first and last stop.Mr. Hamideh took at least an hour to go over options in a difficult situation that I had at a settlement and made a phone call to gather more info. A true gentleman and very engaging and truly cares.Highly recomended!!
Chris Greer Source: Cylex | 18.09.2021
Very good
I highly suggest Belal Hamideh Law. They have been so helpful and worked really well on my case.Always checking on me and making sure everything was taken care of. It really took a lot of stress and worries off. Belal Hamideh is the BEST!!Thank you Mr. Belal Hamideh for handling my case and always being so helpful I highly recommend you and your law firm.
JoeyGonzalez Source: Cylex | 08.07.2021
Very good
I would like to thank the staff at the law offices of Mr. Hamideh for helping me with my legal issues they were amazing! Mr. Hamideh walked me through the process very thoroughly and is a man who I would come back to for any legal issues that may arise in the future. It is one thing to be great at what you do but it another to do it with respect for the person you represent! Thank you Hamideh and staff for everything you've done your diligence and commitment is MUCH appreciated!!

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