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48152 Livonia

(248) 756-3418

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Marvan Ira Saas Source: Cylex | 03.09.2015
Being self employed I have had many good reviews myself and then again there is a select few consumers that can only see one side of the coin. But my experience with Mike Mercer has been very unpleasant. I have been in the moving business since 1988. In almost 28 years I have provided countless carpet and flooring companies with impeccable service. We simply move out nice furnishings from the rooms the installers need to work on. We move the simplest of items all the up to large concert grand pianos that need a lot of attention as we disassemble and reassemble them. A few months ago i looked at a job in Detroit. We removed 28 pews. Each 20 feet long. The hardware that held these older pews in place was very aged. Most nuts that should have been tightened down were at best just finger tight. The anchorages that held them in place were very susceptible to damage. We had moved out the pews into the designated area. The price I had given to mike mercer was very very charitable. He paid me cash for the work on that day. Now installing these pews was a different story. There were other contractors there over the next few weeks. In that period of time 80 percent of the posts/anchorages to hold down the pews were destroyed. Mike knew this well in advance and left the responsibility up to me. He childishly lefty his job site so he did not have to deal with the responsibility of his job description. He owns the company. I solved his problems. But he only paid me a partial payment on the installation. At this point I have fulfilled my obligations to him. But he runs away and says i will send you a check in the mail. He claims that I broke 8 of these church pews. These pews are at least 30-40 years old. I had called the pastor about this matter and he was not aware of this frivolous claim. So Mike Mercer, do you still stand by your lame claims. You need to man up and spend time on your job sites. Its says a lot about how little respect you have for your customers when you do not show up on jobs. This was a huge job. Thousands of square feet. But you needed to get back into the suburbs and deal with the "real paying" clientele. You said so yourself. He knew he was in over his head and wanted me to carry the whole burden.. As a business person myself I have no respect for mike mercer at all. And as for the money you still owe me Mr. Mike Mercer, You can .... off! Keep it you looser!

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