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Stormy snyder Source: Cylex | 01.12.2023
I was referred to Dr. Evans/Midlands Endodontics by my dentist for 2 route canals. The appointment I made was for 1 route canal that day, and we would then make an appt for the other. I was referred to have tooth #2 and tooth #4 to be fixed with #2 being the first done so I could then go back to my dentist for my crowns.

The staff I spoke with were amazing & professional. I assumed the Doctor would also be nice. I was very wrong. From the moment he came into the room he was aggressive. He told me I needed at least 10 route canals & that I needed to get 4 done immediately. I explained I was referred for only 2 route canals & that I was very aware that I need alot of work done but, we had a plan with my dentist & are working in 1 section at a time, so I could afford it all. He didnt seem to listen to me at all. So, I explained it all again & asked him to just do the tooth that my dentist asked him to do. He said he called my dentist office & confirmed that I needed all four of the teeth in the one section done. I again told him was very confused because I was only referred to have two teeth done and only one being done that day. So I then called my mother who was helping me pay for this & explained the situation to her. He talked to her & was very pushy & rude with her as well.
So, once we talked everything iver again it seemed he understood so we paid for the route canal right then and there. Overall it was horrible experience.He was very rough when doing the route canal & once the numbing wore off I was extremely sore for a week.
When I returned to my dentist to get a crown I then found out that he did a tooth that didn't even need a root canal. My dentist was unaware of this as well since Dr.Evans never sent them a report of what he did. So we had spent almost $2,000 on a tooth that didn't even need anything!! My dentist was extremely upset because he then could not start my crown so it messed up his plans and now we had to start from scratch. We sent an email, as well as my dentist, asking how we can get this corrected he did not reply to ours. He replied to my dentist saying he fixed the tooth I asked him to fix?!? He then sent me a bill for over $200 with no explanation. We paid everything in full the day I was there before the procedure was even done! Then just the other day sent another bill for $155!
Overall I had the worst experience I've ever had at a dentist!! And, Ive been to alot! Dr. Evans has the worst bedside manner Ive ever seen. If you have an appointment set up to see him dont walk away, run!!

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