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7575 Norman Rockwell LN
89143 Las Vegas

(702) 721-7974

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Hours may differ - changed a while ago
12:00 PM - 08:00 PM
12:00 PM - 08:00 PM
12:00 PM - 08:00 PM
12:00 PM - 08:00 PM
12:00 PM - 07:00 PM
12:00 PM - 08:00 PM
12:00 PM - 08:00 PM

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Herver Franri Gaxganxus Source: Cylex | 28.11.2015
If I spent a few minutes in “Shall We Play?... a Game” when Derrick (investor), Chris (employee), Lindsay (employee), Kathryn (employee), or Alex (employee) were the only one(s) there; I would have come out of it thinking well of the store like the other reviewers on this site. However, doing so would be like watching one minute of a movie then writing a review as if I had seen the entire movie. To put it simply, the owner, M***, is the problem. His cruelty knows no bounds, he is incompetent beyond belief, and he has the worst temper I have ever seen in my life. I have witnessed him scream his head off at a friend of mine, my mom, myself, and all four of his employees over the smallest of things. For example, he yelled at my mom and me when my mom tried to make good use of the “buy 2 get a third of equal or lesser value for free” deal they were offering by picking a third item of equal value instead of the third item of lesser value M*** recommended. This isn’t the only problematic incident I witnessed either. Despite all the rhetoric on their official website about being kid-friendly, they put several games with very scary box cover art on the lowest shelves. I witnessed an unfortunate toddler get terrified by Zombicide’s gruesome box art depicting flesh-eating zombies, after which the employee who was there at the time said she “would definitely tell [Matt] to move the game to the highest shelf.” For the next two months, however, the game remained on the same low shelf, right in every toddler’s eye line. It is probably still there now. Another incident occurred when a game that was supposed to be labeled $24.95 was accidentally labeled $2.95, and M*** refused to sell it at the listed price even though U.S. law clearly states that if something is listed at a certain price, the business is legally required to sell it at that price (so he has no respect for the law either). Lastly, while the store does only sell games, due to the store being smaller than the other game stores in Las Vegas, “Shall We Play?... a Game” only holds about as many games as the other game stores in Las Vegas. However, with the other game stores, you also get comics, action figures, etc. through which to browse. The other reviewers who said “Shall We Play?... a Game” has lots of games are probably only comparing it to department stores like Target and Wal-Mart without realizing that every game store has more games than department stores like Target and Wal-Mart. As far as prices between “Shall We Play?... a Game” and other game stores in Las Vegas go, I have compared approximately 20 games’ prices and found that while the prices at “Shall We Play?... a Game” are usually the same as those of other game stores in Las Vegas, the prices at “Shall We Play?... a Game” are sometimes more expensive than those of other game stores in Las Vegas. More importantly, however, regarding prices, they charge a 15% restocking fee if you return a factory-sealed, never-used game you bought there. This is retail’s equivalent of a kick in the balls. None of the other game stores in Las Vegas pull this ****. In fact, no other store I’ve ever been to in my life has pulled this ****. It is disgusting. You always have a better option than “Shall We Play?... a Game.” If you want to support local businesses run by decent people, you should go to other game stores in Las Vegas.

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