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Recent reviews on Yably

K.C. Brooks Source: Cylex | 07.12.2020
If I could give them 0 stars I would, customer service is seriously lacking at this location, from lack of promised inventory to fraudulent charges, and filthy vehicles.
Make sure you check your receipt which you wont get until a week later online, if you fill the car up upon return they will still charge you for a full take of gas $24.98 and you have to fight the billing dept. to get the money refunded, I am still waiting on my refund, I know about these practices, I took a picture of the full take with the time and date as proof in the case that this would happen to me. after speaking with them they didn't even apologize for this even being an oversight, this is a shame, I guess they do not expect the consumer to check their receipt, I am diligent about these thing, or maybe even paranoid about it! Don't trust these people, and I think my next move is to contact Hertz Corporate about this incident, it makes absolutely no sense at all. No one has money to just give away. so take a picture of the gas gauge and with the time and location, they asked for a receipt I didn't have that, so i went into online banking and got the transaction with the location, and date on it, even though it was posted a few days later. Maybe just try another company and leave Hertz alone altogether.
Good Luck!

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