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Kinsey Harris Source: Cylex | 13.01.2017
Do not trust these guys! What a terribly excuse of a human being the owner of this company is. If I could give them zero stars I would. My 13yr old son got his bike taken away from PBSO the day after christmas as he was not allowed to ride on trails out here in the Acreage. when JD's Towing and my husband arrived at the same time with a trailer to take the bike home the officers basically told the tow guy to just work it out with my husband with a wink and walked away.....My husband basically offered the owner an extra $200 to just let him take the bike. Of course he didnt stating he has to go by the book no matter what the officer said. So the next day my husband went to the shop with the bill of sale to get the bike back and the owner of JD's Towing said he wouldnt give it back without a title because thats his policy....We even had the dealer we purchased the bike from confirm the title number and tell him it is being sent in the mail and the DMV and Sheriffs office stated the bill of sale should be enough but no he still was a jerk and said no..... So we paid over $450 to get the title expedited and just got the title in our name today. So my husband goes to this guy and shows him the title and all the paperwork and the guy stated if he didnt get there by 6 he would charge him an extra $35 gate fee for after hours. My husband arrived 10 minutes before 6 and the guy had already typed out the paperwork and charged him the extra $35 on top of the daily fees since Christmas and towing fee. All I have to say is Shame on you Paul from JD's Towing. How heartless can you be to do this to a 13 yr old child. We have been through enough already and I hope Karma gives you all you deserve!!! I feel bad if this company ever tows your vehicle of any kind. I am appalled at what a terrible person this owner is Not to be trusted. Do not use JD's Towing!!!

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