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70503 Lafayette


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Recent reviews on Yably

Andree B Daniel Source: Cylex | 21.07.2016
The work never happened. Wayne was very argumentative during our initial meeting. He was not knowledgeable about different types of flooring and the installation process. We did come to an agreement, and he sent me a contract. Wayne measured the entire house when we first met for the flooring. When he called me with his square footage estimate, mine differed from his estimate. We finally figured out it was because he had forgotten to measure the closets. The morning came for him to start the job, and he called me yelling at me about the flooring, and that there was an extra room that he had not figured into the estimate. His estimate figured in floating laminate flooring, which I told him multiple times I was not putting laminate in my home, it would be hardwood. The flooring I purchased was click, and you had to glue the seams. Wayne kept arguing with me that it was glue down flooring and it would cost more money to install. When he finally calmed down enough to listen to me, I explained to him how the flooring was not glued down, but the click type. Then he started ranting about the extra room and how that was going to cost more. Through this entire conversation, Wayne is yelling at me over the phone. To make a long story short, he threw some random number at me, and I told him that was not acceptable. His response was that his guys are not going to work for free, which he stated repeatedly. I replied that I did not expect anyone to work for free. Then he told me he would just have to turn the job down, and hung up. This all took place with him on the job location, the morning he was supposed to start. It's putting me in a bind, now I'm on a time crunch. I have two weeks to find a contractor to install this flooring and do carpenter work. Wayne is unprofessional, and doesn't handle people well at all. I can't comment on his work, because we never got that far. My recommendation for Wayne would be to slow down and listen to your customer. We could have worked out this issue, but he was too busy screaming at me. I have quite a bit of experience hiring people for remodels, and carpenter work. This experience has definitely been a bad one.

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