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37932 Knoxville

(865) 966-0050

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Gab Kaxsan Branoxte Source: Cylex | 23.03.2015
I would like to warn everyone of unethical business practice and taking advantage of the innocent by extreme overcharging towing fees of cedar bluff towing in Knoxville,Tn.My son had a fender bender that resulted in his radiator leaking and had to be towed.He was in a parking lot easy to get to and not on the road .The officer was kind enough to help him (being a teenager and very afraid and upset of an accident) called in for a wrecker for him.This was at 9:00am in the morning,the car was towed 6 miles,11 min drive and dropped off at a dealer within 45 minutes.When we realized the repair would be about the worth of the car (2002 passport),we decided not to fix it so they said no problem but we have to pay the tow bill.What do you think,$70,$90,$100? No try $375.They would not tell him a price while hooking up and I was driving on the way to him,he was already gone with the car.I questioned it at cedar bluff towing and they said yep,takes a lot to run a wrecker.He said we have a contract with the police for the money with the city and nothing he could do or the police either.I explained that it was not a city job,that the officer was helping my son,not on official business and that you own the wrecker service and can control the cost.They said too bad.I also told him of the city of knoxville wrecker ordinance that the maximum they could charge is $150 for a tow and he laughed and said that’s in the city,you were in the county.I paid the bill and not even a thank you.While telling this story to several other people including police officers and other professionals,they all said “you didn’t know,never use them”,then they all told me their own horror story dealing with them,including them taking it to their lot for a few hours unnecessarily and charging an additional storage fee besides the tow.I am not the type to complain and try to see the best in people.This time there is no best anywhere to be seen.( I am the person who actually takes the time to praise a server or worker for doing a good job by tipping well and calling their management to let them know they are an asset to the company because most people do not take the time, so this is not ordinary for me to write something like this).I would strongly avoid cedar bluff towing at all costs as they have no morals or work ethics and are not ashamed by it or just don’t care.Thanks B.T.

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