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27700 Katy Fwy
77494 Katy

(979) 238-6398

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Hours may differ - changed a while ago
09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
09:00 AM - 05:00 PM

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Recent reviews on Yably

Jose Hernandez 14.08.2022

5 star for racial profiling

Today Sunday August 14, 2022
between 5:20pm - 6:50pm

Imagine been exited about Buc-ees , imagine been so exited about Buc-ees you tell somebody. This is so good. So it's the case of my cousin and I with the famous Buc-ees in Katy where I took him to buy gifts since his visiting from out of the country, We started our shopping spree Happy, exited and thrill whoa did it change quickly for us.

Management follow us around as well as employees just because we spend a little over a hour looking for items to purchase ... It made us very scare and its a ugly feeling to be rejected and put down as well it made the entire store uncomfortable as we started seen people reaction towards us, mostly every eyes was on us. People where been different . US BEEN THERE MADE THEM UNCOMFORTABLE.
It made us concern for our safety as well.

We purchase $200 worth of item: shirts, mugs, key chain, stuff animal, beef jerky, coffee oh and the famous brisket that Buc-ees has by the time we got to the register the sheriff was waiting for us. And communicating between each other over our position and the status of of what we where doing. It made us concern for our safety as well. since The Sheriff was very at ease and expecting a negative action . I'm not to sure what did Buc-ees told them we where doing but you can tell on the body lenguaje and eyes on The Sheriff towards me and my cousin at the register. THEY WHERE EXPECTING FOR US TO STEAL, ROB THE PLACE OR DO SOME TYPE OF CRIMINAL ACTIVITY. When we where just happy to be there .

I was wearing a mask because I been around people who have tested positive for covid-19. I'm Negative but I didn't want to take a chance to spread it around just in case I was been ,precautions..... oh we are Latinos/Hispanics.

It's hard to be a Latino/Hispanic in Houston and see how different people act towards you,
how they see you, how they treat you with such reproach. And Buc-ees at Katy made it very unfrendly so much for the Love in Christ that Houston boast about.
89.3FM KSBJ Jesus Is Listening .
God bless everyone 🙏🏾
Jose Hernandez 14.08.2022
5 star for racial profiling

Today Sunday August 14, 2022
between 5:20pm - 6:50pm

Imagine been exited about Buc-ees , imagine been so exited about Buc-ees you tell somebody. This is so good. So it's the case of my cousin and I with the famous Buc-ees in Katy where I took him to buy gifts since his visiting from out of the country, We started our shopping spree Happy, exited and thrill whoa did it change quickly for us.

Management follow us around as well as employees just because we spend a little over a hour looking for items to purchase ... It made us very scare and its a ugly feeling to be rejected and put down as well it made the entire store uncomfortable as we started seen people reaction towards us, mostly every eyes was on us. People where been different . US BEEN THERE MADE THEM UNCOMFORTABLE.
It made us concern for our safety as well.

We purchase $200 worth of item: shirts, mugs, key chain, stuff animal, beef jerky, coffee oh and the famous brisket that Buc-ees has by the time we got to the register the sheriff was waiting for us. And communicating between each other over our position and the status of of what we where doing. It made us concern for our safety as well. since The Sheriff was very at ease and expecting a negative action . I'm not to sure what did Buc-ees told them we where doing but you can tell on the body lenguaje and eyes on The Sheriff towards me and my cousin at the register. THEY WHERE EXPECTING FOR US TO STEAL, ROB THE PLACE OR DO SOME TYPE OF CRIMINAL ACTIVITY. When we where just happy to be there .

I was wearing a mask because I been around people who have tested positive for covid-19. I'm Negative but I didn't want to take a chance to spread it around just in case I was been ,precautions..... oh we are Latinos/Hispanics.

It's hard to be a Latino/Hispanic in Houston and see how different people act towards you,
how they see you, how they treat you with such reproach. And Buc-ees at Katy made it very unfrendly so much for the Love in Christ that Houston boast about.
89.3FM KSBJ Jesus Is Listening .
God bless everyone 🙏🏾

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