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chris heilig Source: Cylex | 04.08.2021
Do not use Watch It Sparkle Mobile Auto Detailing!
They overcharged me and did damage to my car!
I had them come out and clean 3 cars for me. When I called to schedule the cleanings I asked if they offered any discount for
multiple vehicles. He told me that they did and we would discuss it when he got there to clean the cars. The discount turned out to be a $25 off which was great.
My minivan and car got the "ultimate" package $155 and $135 respectively and the
third just a basic wash on a 2 door jeep $35. (Prices per website)
The van was cleaned well. The basic wash on the jeep was also good. Then the third car they did that day
was my car.
He gave me a total after discount of $325 which you may notice is the total for these 3 services listed on
his website. I guess he up charged me without telling me then took it back off as my multi car discount.
At first glance my car looked fine. I could see some streaks and water spots immediately after the service.
It wasn't what I expected from the "ultimate" package but after all It was the 3rd of 3 cleanings in the
afternoon heat. Focus on attention to details can slip so l let it go. It was also evening and we had plans right after they were done so we went out for the night.
The next morning when I took a closer look I realized that the rims were only partially cleaned. There were whole areas still totally covered in break dust, and there was
still some of the debris that gathers at the base of the rear window.
I use my car for work so l didn't drive the car until after the weekend. When I got in on Monday I noticed some damage on the inside of the driver side door. It looked as though one of the chemicals that they used to clean the car had dripped down my door panel Partially melting the plastic of the door panel and settled as globs on the drivers door control panel. When I cleaned the globs of cleaner off I noticed that they had removed the coating from the control panel.
I contacted the owner to ask him if any of the products he used could do this damage to my car. The first thing that came out of his mouth
was "the damage was there before we cleaned it" then to my utter shock the next thing he asked me was "which car is it and who was I"? This was very confusing because
he had just said that he was sure the damage was there before he started working on my car even though he didn't know which car it was or who I was! I went on to ask him if he didn't know who I was or which car I was referring to how did he know that the damage was there before he cleaned my car. He just let my question pass never really gave me an answer on that one! He went on to tell me that the "dressing" they use could do that type of damage if it were used inside the car, but that if it were used i side the car that it would also have melted my dashboard.
l told him that it appeared that something had dripped down the door panel then onto the control panel. So it didn't necessarily have to have been used to clean the inside just that it had somehow got on the inside of the car.
He denied denied denied, and then he accused Me of trying to defraud him! I found this accusation very interesting because at no point during our discussion had l asked about a refund! Then he said that he could have charged me more for the minivan because of its size. I assume that the Price difference on the website for a minivan and a car is due to the size difference. So why
could he charged twice as much for its size?

I would never ever use this service again! Neither should you if you want your car to remain undamaged!

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