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32277 Jacksonville

(904) 743-8452

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Hours may differ - changed a while ago
08:30 AM - 05:00 PM
09:00 AM - 01:00 PM
08:30 AM - 05:00 PM
08:30 AM - 05:00 PM
08:30 AM - 05:00 PM
08:30 AM - 05:00 PM

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Recent reviews on Yably

Helli Lescar Doxhamo Source: Cylex | 06.03.2017
Very good
I couldn't say enough good things about this post office. I come here frequently for everything from buying stamps, bulk mail-out, priority mailings and a myriad of other postal needs. I have always found the staff courteous, friendly and wanting to help. Sometimes we have to try and elicit a smile from overworked staff at the post office, grocery store, doctor's office, etc. I make that a habit. I have come to know BRENDA, Willy and Penny by name and others by sight and just enjoy interacting with every one of them. I can't stop there either. Jermaine, our letter carrier is just another great example of the high caliber folks at this post office.
Darcy Kirkland Carter Source: Cylex | 29.12.2016
I've been very pleased when Willie has helped me during holiday mailing. My husband is deployed and I've been unable to track the package he mailed 3 weeks ago. After waiting 45 minutes for someone to get to the only window that can track packages, Beach was extremely rude and gave me some sorry excuse that packages from APO/FROM cannot be tracked to secure what's being shipped. That's since a customs former is required with a detailed list of items enclosed. All that tells me is that any postal worker has full access to what's in the packages but without being track able, any package can dissappear and the USPS has no way of knowing where,when or who handled the package from the moment it enters their system. Is this the best we have to offer to our service men, women and families that serve our country? I will not see my husband for 15 months, my children to see their father and a 97 year old mother to see her youngest child. If any of you have suggestions on whom I could share this problem with in hopes of making changes to improve this deeply antiquated system.
Dre Casom Lemaxux Source: Cylex | 01.12.2016
Drop a box with a pre label sticker, box is no-where to be found and their manager M****** W***** is completely useless. Bunch of impolite clowns working on that office. Avoid completely if you can. No wonder they've lost so many businesses.

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