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7885 Normandy Blvd
32221 Jacksonville

(904) 783-1633

Opening hours

Hours set on 30/01/2024
08:00 AM - 04:00 PM
10:00 AM - 06:00 PM
08:00 AM - 04:00 PM
10:00 AM - 06:00 PM
08:00 AM - 04:00 PM

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Teszex Nikgit Texlax Source: Cylex | 26.10.2016
10/25/2016 Words can not even begin to describe how livid I am with his dental office. I have only been to this office twice and both times have been horrible, the first time was back in April when I went in for my initial visit to get a cleaning and a couple fillings. The doctor that did my fillings ended up filling the wrong tooth and I did not notice until I got home and looked in the mirror. I immediately called them and went back to the office. The doctor stated that the reason she filled the wrong tooth was the previous doctor that did my exam noted my chart wrong, so I sat there once again and let her fill the corrected tooth. I did not make a big deal of it at the time as I do understand that people make mistakes and she did end up filling the corrected tooth. I went in today for a cleaning and another filling and due to the amount of time I had to wait up front and pre pay for my services I was informed that they would not have time to do both the cleaning and fillings, so they would reschedule my cleaning for another date. At this point I have already been there for almost an hour and a half so I just want to get it done and over with. The dental assistant comes and takes my blood pressure and stated that it is policy that they do it before treatment even though I've never had it done before, whatever. She tells me that my blood pressure is elevated so they are not going to be able to do any treatment today due to this. I explained that it is elevated due to the aggravation that I have went through and the long wait. I then have two amazing hygienist come in to calm me down so that they could hopefully get my blood pressure lowered enough to proceed with my fillings, which they did. The doctor does one of my upper fillings with out numbing me as he stated he did not want to numb my whole face, which was fine as I did not feel anything. He then numbs my lower jaw so that he can do the lower filling. After sitting in the chair for another 10 minutes while the Doctor and several other assistants search for a special piece that was needed for him to be able to continue with my filling he comes in and tells me that they can not find the piece and that I will have to come back once they locate it..... Are you freaking kidding me? I arrived at this office at 4:10 and did not leave until almost 7:00 and ended up only getting one filling. I have never in my life had such a horrible experience not once but twice. Your office charges a lot more than other dentist in the area, but I was fine with that as I thought I would get quality service. Your office makes you pay for services up front and charge you more than what should be charged after insurance pays their portion. I ended up having a credit on my account for almost $130.00 dollars that I had over paid back in April. Your office never called me to inform me of my overpayment, I had to call them and question it as my insurance company informed that they paid more than you stated they would. I see now why you make patients pay prior to service because other wise if you did to other patients what you did to me then you would not get paid. First time shame on you, second time shame on me... I will not be back!!! UPDATE 10/26/2016 After having to call in twice to be able to speak to the director he was absolutely no help what so ever. He informed he the he would train the individuals. I then informed him that i wanted a copy of all my records from them and he informed me that he would not give me my notes on the account, that I would have to have my lawyer request them.

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