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3625 University Blvd S
32216 Jacksonville

(800) 530-3244

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Nor Exnis Ornix Source: Cylex | 21.10.2014
Yesterday I had my annual mammogram at Memorial Healthcare Plaza. It was a bilateral diagnostic mamo, since I had breast cancer in 2007 and had a lumpectomy at Memorial Hosp., followed by a year of chemo and radiation at Southside Cancer Center. Because of this history, I am very fearful and apprehensive every time I get a mammogram, and dread getting bad news. For this reason, I would be very grateful if your staff were kinder and more welcoming than they are. The people at the front desk treated me in a very cold, perfunctory manner: "Get your insurance cards and ID ready and have a seat" were all that was said after retrieving my chart. No "Hello, how are you today?" or anything else. The woman who took my information next seemed tired, and I thought she must hate her job because she was totally impatient and uncommunicative other than giving me terse instructions. I then was shown a waiting room where I changed into a gown and filled out another form. Again, no pleasant greeting or anything was said by the attendants. The first and only person I met who treated me with any warmth or kindness at all was the technologist who did the imaging, and she was very patient and clear about what to do throughout the many different slides used and positioning necessary. I'm sure the radiologist was very competent, and probably all the people I dealt with were also, but the lack of any humane treatment with the exception of the technologist is what is causing me to give an average rating. I am a professional who taught at FSCJ for 38 years before retiring. I am not a "crybaby" or needy person--but in this situation some sign of welcoming or caring would have gone a long way to soothe my nerves and make me feel calmer.

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