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Ronfa Acynu Cashudus Source: Cylex | 12.07.2021
I recently started a policy with Allstate. Shortly after starting this policy I actually traded in my vehicle for a new one. A day after I got my new car, I put in a request online to update the vehicle. As soon as I submitted my request, I received notification that my local agent will be contacting me to finalize. Simple right? Cool.... This was on June 29th.

After over a week of not receiving a single phone call, voicemail, email or text, I decided to call Allstate customer service again. Realizing it was Saturday (after 20 minutes on hold), I decided to email instead. Stating that I put in a request on the 29th and have yet to hear from anyone... I finally received a call from Busher, a representative at the local branch. Busher asked for the vehicle information again (even though I already put all this information in online)... To then state that my policy will increase $50 a month. This was not the quote I received previously when pricing out the insurance when I was deciding on my new car... Not even close. So I stated that I was going to shop around, as this was way higher than I had expected.

He then had a major attitude and got angry. I was very calm during this conversation (literally not a Karen) and only asked what number to call him back at if he had a direct line, to then only have him answer in a snappy and unprofessional way.

He called me back about an hour later (1:21PM) which I couldn't answer because I was on a work call. He then texted me (1:25PM) stating: "Hi, after speaking to a supervisor I was able to lower your monthly payment significantly give me a call back or you can text me!" I called him back at 2:31PM, receptionist took my name and number and said that Busher was on another call but will have him call me back.

After all this poor communication and unprofessionalism I received from this branch I decided I would just cancel with them... I dialed the 1800 allstate number for customer service to cancel my policy... It directed me to the local agent to which Busher literally answered the phone "I tried calling you, why didn't you call me back?!".... Seriously, pull the call I would love to hear the play back.... To which I replied "Um hello?.... I did call you back about 15 minutes ago and the lady who answered said you would call me back." He then goes "Oh My God, she did not tell me that.. Okay will anyway here's your new rate, $$$.... I then stated I would just like to cancel. He then states that there will be a $98.68 cancelation fee. Starts GOING OFF, about how "you're not going to be able to find better coverage then Allstate, and good luck even having an agent call you back or have good customer service, because when you are a customer of ours you are in good hands, and if you think that going with another company just because they are cheaper when you don't even know what type of coverage you are getting, then good luck"...

I had to cut him off because I realized that this guy must be
1) Very young and Naive
2) Brand new and in training still
3) Needs anger management.

I then spoke with Sally, the branch owner. She was very sweet and very knowledgeable. She confirmed that Busher was new, and would need more training. She went through the policy with me to find out what differences there were with my quote and theirs... She was able to match the competitor quote (Shocker.....)

I told her that with all of these factors from the moment I tried to update my policy has been a headache. I am so turned off by the poor customer service that even if Allstate was at a lower rate, this makes me not want to do business with them.

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