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8484 Will Clayton Pkwy
77338 Humble

(832) 680-2273

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Hours set on 04/08/2023
08:00 AM - 08:00 PM
08:00 AM - 08:00 PM
08:00 AM - 08:00 PM
08:00 AM - 08:00 PM
08:00 AM - 08:00 PM
08:00 AM - 08:00 PM

Recent reviews on Yably

Isabelle Castro 19.10.2022
DONT EVER GO THERE!!!! Terrible service, they don’t care about the patients and won’t treat you!!!!!

I went there about a month ago with all the covid symptoms, extremely sick, sore throat, headaches, body aches and fever, they ran a covid test that came back negative (even know I was positive), and when I was seen by the doctor my heart was racing and my temperature was getting hot because I was starting a fever, and still the doctor said there’s nothing she could do for me and to just take tylenol because it was some viral bacteria going around, the next day I woke up feeling worse and had to rush to the ER, where the doctors had to keep me and of course i was tested positive for covid. The doctor was very worried about me and I was extremely dehydrated, and was given 3 bags of fluids, antibiotics and even some narco for pain, and he said I was lucky it I got help in time.

Now I went again TODAY to this clinic for a sore throat, my tonsils were swollen and I had white spots on my throat and a lot trouble eating or talking, their strep throat came back negative (as always), and the doctor said since there’s no fever there’s nothing to do for me, and sent me home in pain and untreated once again. The doctor looked at me and said she didn’t see nothing on my throat and I told her to look at it again and then she said without a fever she can’t do nothing.
The staff and doctor DONT care about you, and I was sitting in the room for 10 minutes waiting while they were chatting outside and I did hear them saying that my tests came back negative, but no one bothered to come see me until I talked to them. And not to mention that from my visit a month ago that they didn’t do nothing for me , and I payed out of pocket for the test, they charged my insurance 600$ but for what ? since they didn’t bother do to anything.

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