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1701 Jacquelyn Dr
77055 Houston

(713) 957-0099

Opening hours

Hours may differ - changed a while ago
08:00 AM - 08:00 PM
08:00 AM - 08:00 PM
08:00 AM - 08:00 PM
08:00 AM - 08:00 PM
08:00 AM - 08:00 PM
08:00 AM - 08:00 PM
08:00 AM - 08:00 PM
Saturday by appointment

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Recent reviews on Yably

Dridox Nassan Maspresham Source: Cylex | 19.10.2017
Turning Point Center is not a place to reestablish your life from being homeless to a productive person in the city of Houston. I have been part of Turning Point for three years. All I have been doing is paying $600 a month for room where I have to share the apartment with another person and sometimes to other people which also pay $600 a month. I was told about job training computer classes and other development classes that will help me further my job career and during that time I have not received it. Recently I have had an accident at the job I was at which resulted in a fractured ankle and I have been having pain problems every since. So I have been unable to work. But according to turning points flyer which I received part of the assistance that they would give you would be job training and let me read from a flyer that they give the homeless and also potential donors to Turning Point Center 1701 Jaclyn Drive Houston Texas 77055 They claim they give food which they do but it's all donated. Clothing I've never received a clothing and being part of this medical assistance since we work with various organizations to provide testing for vision hearing Dental TV with my arthritis and HIV I've only been allowed one time to the dentist It also says mental health we also work with agencies that provide Mental Health Care such as Hamra. D a p a, and leesman for depression as well as treatment and medication other services include time management program, city of short and long-term goals, spiritual enlightenment, group and individual counseling and social awareness. I have not received or even told about this until three years later that I might be entitled to this and due to my job listening I've been unable to pay rent but according to them we provide employment opportunities through such agencies as Labor Ready, career recovery, and Gulf Coast Foundation. And I'll testify under oath that they have never given me that they only give me an eviction notice case number 171199470583. Anybody can look this case number and its eviction notice which has been brought to their attention if why have I not been assisted in employment like they claim computer classes I've never been provided that. I live on the other block on Johanna 1701 Johanna Drive Independent Living Inc they make $2000000 a year off this 24 unit complex plus they charge everyone $600 a month averaging 2 to 4 people in each apartment each paying 600 a month. I would not give this agency one star but I had to because of the way they require the rating. Anybody that wants to know more of what's going on here and the abuse of the elderly can contact me at 832-898-7280. And another issue that's been going on for over a year is the infestation of bed bugs at this locations and the owner I s h a d e s s e l l e is aware of the proper treatment for residential buildings but she refuses to do anything about it

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