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1 Greenway Plz #100
77046 Houston

(713) 221-3773

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Mary Spencer Source: Cylex | 02.09.2020
Very good
I hired Charles when my son was killed in a boating Accident with another drink boater. Our lives are still incomplete. When Jimmy died a piece of us died with him. Thank God however Charles was able to get us justice. Charles held them accountable for what they did to him. Thank you Charles from the Spencer family
Jason Sandora Source: Cylex | 23.12.2019
Very good
After I got hurt during an explosion at the plant I work at. I was severely injured. I didn’t know where to turn. Then I found the Erica Rose law Firm, they immediately took over my case and helped me collect enough money to help me get back on my feet and move forward in life. What stands out most about Erica is her compassion. She really cares about her clients. She actually sits down and takes the time to get to know you. Thank you Erica
Charles K. Sanders Source: Cylex | 03.12.2019
Very good
Erica and Charles are a perfect team. Highly recommended.

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