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Tove Birkat Dorsan Source: Cylex | 01.05.2017
Very rude disrespectful staff from CEO ,management, employees, and very unqualified incompetent super intendant alone with their contractors that they hire from parking lots of Home Depot to do the work. In addition very compulsive liars that will lie in your face and will speak on consumers behalf to upper management things that you have not agreed to in other words put words in consumers mouth. I have been dealing with a warranty issue over a year since I bought my home and I have not yet got to enjoy my home nor finish furnishing it they keep coming to my house meeting after meeting with different management to come to a true fix to my ceiling and every person that comes to my house is very rude and disrespectful in addition they want to treat my house as if it was theirs, as if it was free, and as if it was a trac home they continue to want to call the shots as to how they want to fix my ceiling and they keep getting mad at me because I won't let them nor do I fall for their crap instead I keep stressing to them to fix it properly but they refuse to do so instead they just want to do a bandage. I strongly suggest and advise consumers not to waste their time nor their hard earn work money on this folks please be aware there is more then one builder under Brighton homes umbrella but at the end of the day you will still be dealing with the same warranty management and CEO which YOU WILL BE WASTING YOUR TIMEis like talking to a wall. I lost track of the times I have taken of work to meet and in the end is a waste of time, in conclusion I am taking them to court so if you don't want to end up like me I strongly suggest you don't buy nor deal with this folks no matter what. I AM IN KINGDOM HEIGHTS SUBDIVISION WHICH THEY ARE STILL UNDER CONSTRUCTION SO PLEASE DONT BUY NOR DEAL WITH THEM OR YOU WILL REGRET IT. I wish I could post my pictures with this review to show I'll try to post some on google or something so be on the look out for them.
Otit Fusix Tondles Source: Cylex | 07.04.2015
I want my money back i sign a contract with you all and if i wasnt qualified my earnest money will be given back to me i received an email you all refusing to refund me i think i need to get an attorney if i dont received my money

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