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77008 Houston

(281) 985-9591

Very good

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reina bostic Source: Cylex | 08.04.2020
Very good
Averon Construction came up with a fantastic, modern, clean design and then built out our new bathroom on time and on budget. I would hire them again for certain and I recommend their services enthusiastically and without reserve.
sonya silverman Source: Cylex | 03.04.2020
Very good
I have to admit that the people who work here are very prompt and professional. I requested quotes from different contractors listed here on yelp and barely any of them really get back to you, heir prices are reasonable but I guess I underestimated how much a renovation for my co-op would cost me. Trust me when I say that they are very meticulous and attentive to your requests. From my experience so far, these characteristics are difficult to find with most contractors.
elinor gebhart Source: Cylex | 02.04.2020
Very good
I know absolutely nothing about renovations... I have been taken advantage of and hustled many times. But my grandmother and I were really desperate because her bathroom ceiling was slightly caving in and cracked from moisture. I'm super happy I found some honest, hardworkers with this company. I got an honest quote and they worked really fast around our schedule. AND, they clean after they work...! I know some guys who walk right over their mess and leave. But they left everything clean and safe. Very good experience!

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