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stephanie keck 23.05.2022
Aloha Shelz Voyager Church Sam and Jaime will call you family until they threaten to beat you up and take your 'donation for non profit" for their own food and gas. See my experience below. I hosted Jamie and Sam on two occasions for worship. Jamie told me she was starting a "non profit for human trafficking" and I gifted her one thousand dollars. I later asked the two of them do laying on of hands for me and instead of trying to pray for me, while at her home one day about a month ago, after a service she said, " If we were on the street I would beat you up right now, she then said, " I must protect my family from a demon you have on you." and proceeded to kick me out of her home. Before that happened, I had asked her what she did for the non profit with the 1K I gifted her, she replied, " groceries and gas" NO ALOHA lots of pilikia. This is not the way to treat people who come to you for help when you call yourself a Kahu/pastor. Neither Sam, nor Jaime have any bible training. They are only trying to make money and have a good time, until it is not a good time.

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