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Dorris Laster Source: Cylex | 16.07.2021
Very good
Royal Moore Pre-Owned made our car shopping process painless! Thank you for meeting our needs and being extremely responsive and professional. Car was delivered to our door step and the paperwork took and it was as painless as it gets. Thank you so much Royal Moore Pre-Owned.
Andy Carra Source: Cylex | 04.06.2021
Very good
What can I say. Probably the easiest car purchase ever. No pressure, went the extra mile and even the negotiation was painless. Royal Moore Pre-Owned's approach to doing business is very professional. No wasting time or useless sales banter. I highly recommend Royal Moore Pre-Owned to everyone.
Neal Stanley Source: Cylex | 20.05.2021
Very good
Best Experience. I would highly recommend Royal Moore Pre-Owned. For someone who doesn't know much about cars, they made the whole experience so easy and worthwhile and explained all the details about the steps to take from filling out the application, to getting credit approval! Loved it. Thank you Royal Moore Pre-Owned for all your help, you guys were amazing.

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