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Recent reviews on Yably

LK Source: Cylex | 25.07.2012
This shop has major customer service issues....workers are indifferent, condescending, and have low self esteem towards customers and themselves! Turnover seems rampart while local manager claims workers do not show up regularly. Spoke to the new owner....he laughed in my face. No way to treat a customer and or stock holder. I have found the very weakest McDonald's in CT.

Nobody gets an order correct the first time...Solution: Go to B... & D... across the street! Both those shops eclipse McDonalds in Sprit de Corps, enthusiasm, customer care, and cleanliness.
Disgusted Source: Cylex | 23.05.2011
My Daugher went to a concert in the area of this McDonald's last night. I agree she should not have parked at McDonald's and left the property. She was towed...which I understand. However this McDonald's chooses to tow these kids to the other side of Hartford to an unsafe location. My kids friends had parked in a lot a few doors down and also got towed. The difference.....their friends were towed to a place on the same street as the McDonald's where they could walk to and retrieve the car. My kids had to call us because they were terrified to get in a cab and go to the other end of the city. As they should be. How can a company choose to do this to kids??? Also it of course costs more as well for the car to be towed to the other side of the city instead of the place that is right down the road that you can walk to. Someone at coorporate McDonald's needs to fix this problem ASAP. I will be writing to them and the local news.
Jonathan Source: Cylex | 21.01.2011
My experience at this location, 98 Weston Street, Hartford, CT Mcdonalds has been the worst customer service. It takes about 18 minutes in total to go through the drive through. The cashier was nice, the lady that hands the food was awful. They charged me for a large and I recieved a medium. She put up an arguement and was talking to a co-worker saying "I know, seriously, I mean for real". Horrible customer service. To top it off, my burger was rare, the fries were cold AND they forgot my sauce for the chicken wings, but that's nothing new. Horrible business at this location and horrible customer service. They just don't care, you can tell by how they talk and act. Try and hire atleast legit people that actually care for once. Your employees are awful. I don't even want to speak to a manager there because he/she is probably the same way. Make a change. Just Awful.

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