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12212 W Whitaker Ave
53228 Greenfield

(414) 881-6343

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Hours may differ - changed a while ago
09:00 AM - 07:00 PM
09:00 AM - 07:00 PM
10:00 AM - 05:00 PM
09:00 AM - 07:00 PM
09:00 AM - 07:00 PM
09:00 AM - 07:00 PM

Recent reviews on Yably

Nicole Volkomer Source: Cylex | 19.05.2015
Chris started out great. He was great with my dog. I sent him several referrals (one of which never received a response from Chris). Suddenly became very hard to contact. After finally getting a date set....I had to cancel and reschedule for the following day. He was gracious enought to do so. Then he canceled and tried to reschedule for the following day but the time wouldn't work because of prior obligations but the times were only off a little. I tried to respond to make sure the time I could be there was ok and I never received a response. I sent sevreal texts the morning of the appointment and left a voicemail in hopes for a response but heard nothing. I again reached out the following day pleading for a response and did not hear back from him. Then Monday morning I get a rude text that states "we agreed upon 10-1015 you didn't show idk what u want. I didn't have a phone charger phone died during the night I was there waiting". I was upset but desparate to get my dog groomed before we left for vacation. I explained to him that I did respond and tried to confirm the later time but never heard back. Asked if he could get him in that evening and I would pay extra. Then I decided based on th low level of client service I would just use a different groomer. I thanked him for his time and said thanks but no thanks. He then responded that was my choice and that he wouldn't charge me extra for the groom just the missed appointment. I replied to him that I didn't miss an appointment because he failed to confirm. I told him it was a shame that he was being so unprofessional because he really did great job with my dog and then I wished him the best of luck. He responds the following morning "I shouldn't need to hold your hand and confirm I told you 10:15 obviously you can't comprehend that much". I then told him that he told me 10 and I shouldn't need to hold his had and tell him as a business owner he should keep a charged phone so that his clients are able to reach him. I aso explained that the way he was acting was not the way a business owner should act towards his clients. He then repsonds to say "I didnt realize that I would need an appointment confirmed when less than 12 hours pass. I work 70 hours I do grooming for fun maybe you'll show up when your told to for the next groomer" I told the more he keeps texting the more he looks like a jerk and that this is not how you treat people especially as a business owner. I told him I would post a review with screen shots of his texts and then I asked him to stop texting me, told him this was juvenille, and that his reputation clearly didn't matter to him. His response was "but yet you keep texting me I don't accept new clients anyway I'm too busy knock yourself out. You obviously always get your way Have fun stomping your feet I have one question for if I'm a jerk what does that make you? Have a great day" I responded "Well sir I have been nothing but polite and you have called me names and talked trash to me so that still makes you the jerk. Good Day!". I have never encountered anything like this...especially with a small business. I would never recommend this guy on account of him being a bad person not a bad groomer.

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