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(970) 356-7677

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Recent reviews on Yably

Sperda Drescar Sonbor Source: Cylex | 10.03.2016
Very Upsetting and troubling. After getting back My SUV yesterday the Engine light came on that was not on prior to taking it there. I took it in to have the oil sensor checked and a fan replaced. When I went to get it the Engine light was on and M**** and the mechanic who fixed it start telling me that the light was on already. My Dad, husband and a Manager at O******* who just looked at it saw that there was No engine light on. They continued to be rude and arrogant with me, even though I and another mechanic from there clearly could see they had actually trued to take the sensor off and bent the line and other damge causing the transmission light to come on. M**** refused to look at and fix what they damaged without charging me what he said would cost me 250.00 dollars on top of the 588.83 I just paid them to fix the fan and a thermostat. When my husband and I got the call from M**** that the SUV was done he said it fixed the problem and was running great. The Mechanic named K***** said his boss seen the light on as well when they drove it in to get fixed which is odd because I was there still and a man came in asking for his boss, and M**** said he had left and wasn't there. The man who was looking for him was holding a file of some sort and nodded his head and said he's been trying now for some time to contact him and if he was sure he wasn't there. M**** was short with him and said no again and that he has been super busy with something else. The man walked out upset and nodding his head. Should of been a sign for me that there's some dishonesty there. I should of used my instincts and not let them fix my only means of transportation. Now I'm probably gonna have to get a lawyer to resolve something they broke and now want me to pay to have looked at and fixed? Sad and upsetting. Truly do not take your vehicle's to dishonest people and businesses like Debeys.

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