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15530 Highway 44
70737 Gonzales

(225) 622-6772

Opening hours

Hours may differ - changed a while ago
05:30 AM - 08:00 PM
05:30 AM - 08:00 PM
05:30 AM - 09:00 PM
05:30 AM - 09:00 PM
05:30 AM - 08:00 PM
05:30 AM - 08:00 PM
05:30 AM - 08:00 PM

Recent reviews on Yably

Vak Saxste Riin Source: Cylex | 15.01.2015
Ok I live In the neighborhood and it is time for me to bitch. I'm sorry but customer service is important at a small neighborhood store. Prices are certainly not what brings you to a store like this. A 24 hr wall mart jato owned a week ago and it would not be inconvenient to go there for my needs. I gave been frequenting chips since I moved to this area 6 years ago. It is convienient. However the cell phone use by the cashiers has gotten rediculously out of controll. Yes this is a pet peeve if mine. I have been in customer service for years and I'm sorry cell phone use on the job is a huge no no. The crew at Chips over the past month or two is the worst I have ever witnessed. Since December one I do not believe that I have been in the store a single time when the cashier was not involved in a personal call on her cell phone. This is terrible customer service. The only thing that a store like this has to offer is friendly attentive service. Selection and price is certainly not why people come to this type of business. Considering that within a mile of this location there are approximately 6 other plAces. In which to do business I would think that the owners would stress friendly service. I am very sorry but I have no intention of giving any more business to a place where instead of being greeted with a " hey there how are you"? I am treated like I am an interruption by an associate who is discussing her personal problems on her cell phone. This is not an isolated incident. This is an epidemic that goes on almost every time I enter your establishment. (3-5 times per week). I will try a few more times but if this trend is not corrected I will be taking my business elsewhere. I am not shy my name is Boband I live a block from this store. Please correct this. This trend is jst poor business

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