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2825 61st St
77551 Galveston

(409) 744-7133

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Hours may differ - changed a while ago
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Open 0-24
Open 0-24
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Open 0-24
Open 0-24
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Recent reviews on Yably

Kathy Source: Cylex | 21.06.2010
First assigned room was smoking (reservation was for non-smoking), and front desk seemed bothered by requested change. In new room, AC was turned on 80 when we arrived and room was very hit/humid. Comforter on one bed smelled of dried urine, and there was a 6" wet urine puddle on the other bed. Disgusted, we immediately left. The night clerk did not offer another room, and really didn't seem all that surprised or shocked at our discovery. The night clerk did not document or communicate the situation with the day clerk, so when the travel company called to verify complaint, they knew nothing of it. After calling back and the day clerk confirming the situation and assuring us the information would be passed along to the travel company, we found out that they told the travel company there were no complaints and we stayed the night. Now we have had to file a dispute with the credit card company and are dealing with hotel management and ownership to get this resolved. Some of the guests here seemed like nice families, while others were questionable- a man was asking about "hourly rates" as we checked in, and other guests stayed in walkways drinking and smoking. Definitely will not stay here again or recommend to family/friends.

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