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32653 Gainesville

(352) 376-6615

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Hours set on 13/03/2024
08:30 AM - 04:30 PM
08:30 AM - 04:30 PM
08:30 AM - 04:30 PM
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08:30 AM - 04:30 PM

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Rah Landhe Teer Source: Cylex | 20.07.2016
I attended a Divorce/Widow Rebuilding course offered by this church. I post to a wonderful international support group on Facebook for people with genital and pelvic pain (a private group that you have to sign up for to access). For obvious reasons, I use an assumed name. One of the church "volunteers" apparently heard about this through gossip,and, having never met me, she somehow became obsessed with me, discovered my posting name, started reading the Facebook support group and my postings about my genital and pelvic pain, and gossiped behind my back to other members of the church group, even having them read my posts (I suddenly was having all these fake accounts showing up as possible "Facebook Friends"). I spoke to the organizers about this and they clearly knew what was going on but denied everything and whitewashed the entire episode, continuing to allow the "volunteer" (who apparently is extremely active in the church) to continue. Apparently this is the kind of treatment you can expect at Trinity United Methodist Church. The church promotes numerous "missions" and then denies they are part of the church, effectively washing their hands of any responsibility for the misbehavior of the participants. Sounds like a lot of churches in the news, doesn't it? Expect lots of crosses around necks and Facebook postings about Him, AKA "Sunday morning Christians"--people who put on a good show for a few hours on Sunday. But ask yourself which side this church actually works for, Good, or Evil? I have received several questions regarding the rumors that were spread about me. Since nobody from the church ever verified any of the rumors with me,much less apologized for the way I was treated (with disgust) I can only guess by the bits and pieces that floated back to me. In August 1987, back before healthcare professionals were conscious about infection control and when hardly any of us wore gloves, I caught the ORAL herpes virus (the cold sore virus) by holding hands with a 3 year old patient who had been picking at his cold sores. I mentioned in the Facebook forum on women's pain disorders that the herpes virus is believed to "hop" from one nerve to another. For instance, the cold sore virus can hop to the ear and cause Meniere's Disease or hop to a nerve in the face and cause Trigeminal neuralgia. It's also thought that cutaneous herpes can hop to interior pelvic nerves, possibly causing bladder issues and other female pain. I suggested that because the virus is so prevalent and most people don't know they have it, that all members of the forum should try taking anti-virals to see if that helped with their pain. Apparently, from this private Facebook posting, my church stalker decided to tell everyone in the Divorce/Rebuilding group (presumably under the guise of "protecting" them, and with the full approval of the church elders running the program) that I had a sexually transmitted disease (NOT TRUE). Ironically my stalker is a nurse practitioner with a specialty in Infectious Diseases, so she knows full well that, statistically speaking, over half the women in the Divorce/Rebuilding group likely had genital herpes (50-80% of single women between the ages of 40-50 have genital herpes--Google "Why you should assume everyone has herpes.") And for those 50% of the single women in the church who DO have a sexually transmitted disease, will the other 50% now treat them with disgust? Perhaps this church uses a special edition of the Bible that is missing the story of Mary Magdalene (sarcasm). And why would a church member be signing onto a private group in Facebook to read about other women's genital and pelvic pain in the first place? Beware churches that preach love on their websites and practice "whisper campaigns" of hate behind closed doors.

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