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465 W. Valencia Dr, Ste J
92832 Fullerton

(714) 209-3944

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Hours may differ - changed a while ago
09:30 AM - 05:30 PM
09:30 AM - 05:30 PM
09:30 AM - 05:30 PM
09:30 AM - 05:30 PM
09:30 AM - 05:30 PM
09:30 AM - 05:30 PM

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Recent reviews on Yably

Pascal Source: Cylex | 21.11.2023
Beware of this dealer! I visited their establishment after seeing an ad for a supposedly well-maintained, old Ford Taurus with no technical issues. However, upon test driving it, I immediately noticed problems like smoke and a seriously damaged transmission. The brakes were also faulty, posing a safety hazard. When I raised these concerns with the dealer, he tried to brush them off, insisting that it was normal wear and tear. Unconvinced, I refused to accept the Ford Taurus.

Curiously, the dealer suddenly remembered another car—a Pontiac 1997—that he claimed would be a better fit for me, assuring me of its perfect technical condition. However, when starting the vehicle, the battery was dead, and he jump-started it. Initially, I drove it without issues, but soon after, the ABS light came on. The dealer assured me it was a minor issue, blaming it on a drained battery or a possible fuse. He promised to replace the battery, assuring me the ABS light would disappear. Desperate for a car, I reluctantly purchased it, trusting his word.

To my dismay, upon reaching home, the ABS light reappeared. When I contacted the dealer, he insisted it was just a sensor problem. Skeptical, I consulted a mechanic who uncovered additional serious issues causing the ABS light. It became evident that the dealer must have been aware of these problems, and selling me the car in that condition was deceptive.

After reporting the issues to the dealer, he denied ever assuring me that the ABS light would go away, accusing me of being fully aware of what I was buying. I argued that intentionally selling a car as drivable when it wasn't constituted fraud. His response was disrespectful and dismissive. This individual is a scammer, and I am taking steps to report him to the DMV and California consumer protection agencies to prevent others from falling victim to his deceptive practices.

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