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1501 N Harbor Blvd
92835 Fullerton

(714) 393-2447

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Gabzel Sixis Brao Source: Cylex | 06.10.2015
Very good
I was arrested for drug possession and giving the officer a false ID, my wife called these guys and one of their agents came out to the house, got all the paper work done and got my bond posted. I was out within a few hours, it wasn't fun but at least we got really good service fast, and on to court I went. It's a process... Brian F
Himjus Poxham Dadex Source: Cylex | 28.04.2015
Very good
I needed somebody to give me straight answers, my brother had been arrested and I didn't need anybody to give me the run around. After talking to a few other companies that were rude and just wanted my credit card information, I was able to get ahold of an agent at Barbarian Bail Bonds. We never even spoke about money till the end, the agent was actually sympathetic to what we were going thru. Next thing I know I get a call back letting me know what time to pick him up, these were real people, I appreciated their professionalism. I will refer them to my friends and family. A Lilian

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