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5925 Hillcrest Road
75035 Frisco

(972) 335-7070

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Hours may differ - changed a while ago
06:30 AM - 06:30 PM
06:30 AM - 06:30 PM
06:30 AM - 06:30 PM
06:30 AM - 06:30 PM
06:30 AM - 06:30 PM

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Recent reviews on Yably

Tammy Turner Source: Cylex | 02.01.2016
My son attends Sunshine House Frisco. He was unable to nap at daycare on December 2nd as he began coughing and wheezing. He had a low grade fever, and he complained of not feeling well in addition to this. This began around 12:30pm. My mother, thank God, picked him up early that day by chance. She got there at 3:15pm. She immediately called me to tell me he was breathing shallowly and wheezing and she took him to a pediatric urgent care facility. I was not notified even once over the three hours he was in distress at the facility. The result was that by the time he went to the doctor, they were unable to help him with breathing treatments. He then went to the ER. They, too, were unable to get his distress under control. The result was a hospitalization. I've been talking to his daycare for a month now to find out what occurred, why it occurred, and whether they intended to pay for his medical bills due to their negligence. The result is that I've been told they did nothing wrong. He was showing no signs and must have just shown them the moment my mom walked in the room to pick him up. Now, today, I've been notified he cannot attend school on Monday, a protected day for me, as I have been unable to return the required asthma paperwork to them. I understand they want documentation, but I have taken him to three doctors' appointments, had him allergy tested, and I've emailed them and called them with updates every step of the way. Unfortunately, with the holidays, I was unable to get the doctor's office to return the paperwork before school starts back Monday. As a result, they will not have the paperwork due to no fault of my own. So, even though I've emailed them consistently, sent them doctors' results, etc., I'm being told I will have to miss a protected day and therefore docked pay on Monday. I'm flabbergasted by all that has transpired. I would have highly recommended Kevin's daycare before this past month. Now I'm just in tears and feel as though because I lodged a legitimate complaint concerning my son's health, he and I are being punished. It's completely unprofessional and unconscionable.

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