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5470 E Lamona Ave
93727 Fresno

(559) 374-2600

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Recent reviews on Yably

Q Gill Source: Cylex | 30.06.2023
Calling this company "unprofessional" would understating it. There is number of problems which they're definitely not trying to address. After 45 days, of constantly trying to get some communication (emails/voicemails) from someone, Lauri finally came for an estimate ( which she failed, so she came after another 26 days after again multiple requests put in). The insurance & mitigation company did their jobs efficiently & timely manner.

The most frustrating part is that, how ineffective their automated phone system is. The only way to talk to someone is if you call their number & press "option 2" which is for new customers (NEW MONEY). If you go with option 3 or 4 (For Existing customers, or claims, it will 95% get sent to Voicemail (regardless of time of the day). I would encourage to feel free to try it yourself & prove me wrong.. I will be uploading the videos to this proven hypothesis & will be linking video to this. After I addressed this proof with video evidence this time, I got threatened that I'll be "Done & Finished" if showed anyone those videos (2 times before they said that it's by chance option 3 & 4 weren't free ** after the 3rd time, Them & I both knew that it was just below average, sub par customer service.)

From other reviews, I can say that they clearly deprioritize insurance claims, to a point where upset customers retort to going with other contractor (after Restoration company wastes at least 2-3 months before even going out for an estimate). I was able to get an inspection date (same company) set up very quickly when I disguised as someone else (and mentioned I will pay out of pocket). I was given an estimate to finish the entire job (same job that I originally wanted done) in 5 weeks LOL

So this is why I URGE everyone please do you reattach before giving them any business, because potentially your money is going to waste. I am already filing multiple complains with Dif organizations (with the threat videos) & looking into taking legal action. I am reaching out to other folks who wronged by these thugs. They will understand it's not okay to take advantage of people & they're literally broken homes (insurance claims). God is watching & I know these people will face their consequences. Justice will be served.

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