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92708 Fountain Valley

(714) 378-4855

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Recent reviews on Yably

Matt Source: Cylex | 29.03.2021
THEY DO NOT TAKE RESPONSIBILITY for damaging your vehicles. I had a good experience with the repair they performed, but when my RV was returned to me, there was damage to the main RV access door. This RV door is one of those that is very stiff on purpose so you don't need to keep it open with a latch, but if you open it farther than it is supposed to, there is a good possibility of the hinge being damaged, which is most likely what happened. So now when you open the RV door if there is any wind or you open it quickly it will just slam into the side of the RV. The parts that this company needed to repair the RV were located inside the RV, so they would have had to use the main door to get at those parts and very likely opened it too far. When questioned, even their service technician said that the door was "not like this when it came in," yet they are still refusing to take responsibility for damaging the door. When we picked up the RV from the initial repair we were leaving the next day on a trip so after the technician said the door was not like that when we brought it in (he acknowledged it had to have happened while they had the RV on their lot) we were told since we were leaving to give them a call when we got back from our trip and they'd "make a note and figure it out." I've called for months about this and been given the run around trying to get an answer (because the owner has been "out of town") and they finally said they aren't responsible and don't remember it. Super disappointed as I was glad to have a good repair shop nearby but with these kinds of shady practices now I'm worried about the quality of the initial repair and what else they are misleading about. The work I had them do cost over $1,300, but they're refusing to fix a door hinge they admitted they broke which is bizarre.

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