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3600 North Ocean Boulevard
33308 Fort Lauderdale

(954) 563-9909

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Hours may differ - changed a while ago
08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
08:00 AM - 05:00 PM

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Jamie Danburg Source: Cylex | 27.10.2022

Tom Yianilos and Waterbrook Builders built my home and on the first day of my occupancy of this new home my shower turned into disaster as it leaked, with water pouring through the ceiling below! It was then determined that I have (5) LEAKING showers, confirmed by expert engineers and insurance adjusters who determined that the linear drains were installed incorrectly, the drains were installed incorrectly and the shower pans themselves had been installed incorrectly.

Additionally, all my balcony railings are NOT to code and all (5) balconies leak. All the railings and tile must be replaced.

I have had to tear out multiple ceilings because of the leaks. I am currently unable to live in my home. I am paying for storage for my brand new furniture as I have been unable to have it delivered due to these conditions.

Waterbrook has REFUSED to honor their builders warranty. Although Waterbrook was made aware of all of these issues, I have been left with no choice but to hire lawyers at my expense to sue them for breach of their warranty and construction defects.

I have other myriad issues with the house. Tom Yianilos, who is a principal owner of Waterbrook, stood in my living room on closing day with a multi page “punch list” of work they had to do and promised me in front of a room of people that all would be taken care of in a few weeks. I have a fully executed builders warranty from Waterbrook. Repair costs to me will be around $1,000,000 - yes that’s correct!

In my opinion: Tom Yianilos has lied to me time and time again; he failed to carry through his responsibilities as the GC to make sure his people and his subcontractors properly did their work; even litigation has not brought about a professional, concerned response to these issues; and he has stolen 2 years away of my life to live in and enjoy my multi-million dollar home that he built. I am aware Tom and Waterbrook have had similar issues with other buyers (see other internet posts). MY ADVICE AND MY OPINION: STAY AWAY FROM WATERBROOK BUILDERS AND TOM YIANILOS.

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