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Recent reviews on Yably

Jennifer Frison Source: Cylex | 14.04.2014
I will never return to this service center and urge you to stay away. They are not trust worthy. I went for a safety inspection and got rejected. OK, it happens. Well first they try to sell me the install of my rear light for $250. Then they tell me if I come back to them I will pay only a dollar for the re-inspection.

So I fixed it myself and returned to them. It was after the period but was told nothing about it having to be within the two week period. They also told me nothing until services were rendered and they sprung it on me. That I would in fact be paying full price even though it was clearly a reinspect. I read the law and yes they can charge UP TO $16 but they were insinuating that that was the law that they had to pay another $16 to the government for the inspection which is completely untrue.

At one point during the conversation I was telling them how they tried to sell me the light, he seemed surprised oh did you get the light through us? Because clearly I would not have been double charged if I had allowed them to over charge me in the first place.

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