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Contact info

2730 Pinnacle Drive
60124 Elgin

(847) 695-5990

Opening hours

Hours set on 22/08/2022
Open 0-24
Open 0-24
Open 0-24
Open 0-24
Open 0-24
Open 0-24
Open 0-24
Office hours are from 8am-5pm, we offer 24/7/365 service to our customers.

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Recent reviews on Yably

Alex D Source: Cylex | 11.12.2023
Very good
I just wanted to write you quick and express that we were very satisfied with the service, knowledge, diligence and overall experience we had when the guys came out to our manufacturing facility to inspect, service and put new tags on all of our fire extinguishers. Your service technician, Tony, answered all of the questions I had, let me know what he was doing and why and was also very good at explaining everything. Long story short we were very happy with the service and experience that was brought when he was on site.
Mary F Source: Cylex | 09.11.2023
Very good
I had the pleasure of meeting with your fire extinguisher technician, Michael. I found him to be extremely knowledgeable as he explained what we needed for our annual service on our fire extinguishers. He was very polite, efficient and friendly. You certainly have a great employee in Michael. You can be proud of his representation of your business. I'd highly recommend your company to others because of his exceedingly high performance. Kudos to Michael - job well done!
Sheldon R Source: Cylex | 25.09.2023
Very good
I just want to let you know that today the training for our in-house fire pump churn testing went well, and the detailed instructional manual provided is exactly what we need, kudos to whoever put that together.

Alex should get special recognition for his knowledge (and patience) as he walked us through each step we'll need to perform, and thoroughly explaining every item and action of the fire alarm panel and fire pump system. He made sure we understood everything, answering all our questions, and providing loads of useful information. He really impressed us with his knowledge and expertise, he know his stuff!

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