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927 Raynolds St
79903 El Paso

(915) 564-5626

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Hours may differ - changed a while ago
03:00 AM - 06:00 PM
03:00 AM - 06:00 PM
03:00 AM - 06:00 PM
10:00 AM - 05:00 PM
03:00 AM - 06:00 PM
03:00 AM - 06:00 PM

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Recent reviews on Yably

Fu Barra Source: Cylex | 17.09.2012
Very good
I was in the store when this RUDE nasty lady (V. L. as I see from her posts) was screaming at the owner, now I see she is trying to defame the store erroneously so I have to speak up! I was behind her in line waiting to pay and saw the whole thing. I even heard her daughter admit to her mother and the owner that she had worn the shoes... Since I was behind her in line, I could easily see the shoes had been damaged and were not in new re-saleable condition! What did she expect? If she was nasty and screamed loud enough the owner would back down and give her money back for damaged goods? Kudos s to the owner for standing her ground! As for me, I had been to two other stores looking for my daughters ballet shoes and Dance Designs was the only one to have them in stock! Even though the store was very crowded, the staff were being very helpful to each and every customer (I had to wait for others that were ther ahead of me, it was back to school and was that busy - even though I saw 4 sales girls running their tails off!) My daughter is hard to fit but my sales girl disappeared into the back and came back within a minute with 3 pairs for her to try on. She then pointed out all the details of the shoes and made sure it was the right ones for her. I saw the dancers serving dancers on their advertisement, now I see how important that really is! I only wish other stores did the same. My salesgirl really knew her stuff!!! I also saw a flyer for the studio right next door run by the same owner and they have classes I will be signing up for - for both me and my daughter - What a great one-stop shop!!! Guess you can t please everybody, but believe me, I and everyone else in the store had a great chuckle when the screamer left! Hope she goes somewhere else next time! I sure know where I ll go! I also want to mention I had a coupon from another store, but the people at Dance Designs honored it anyway! This time we got one of their coupons from my daughters school and it was even better than the other one from "XXX"... even had a map on the back - cool...
Verna Pearson Lantz Source: Cylex | 04.09.2012
Very poor customer service! I bought my daughter a pair of ballet slippers there and I was assured that she could try them on and if they did not fit, I could exchange them. They did not fit and when I took them back, the same day I purchased them, I was told they were used and not acceptable for exchange. When I talked to the owner, she was hateful and snotty. Needless to say, I do not recommend this store. I would rather drive miles out of my way than to ever patronize this store.

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