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15000 N. Western Ave
73013 Edmond

(405) 285-6787

Opening hours

Hours may differ - changed a while ago
06:30 AM - 06:30 PM
06:30 AM - 06:30 PM
06:30 AM - 06:30 PM
06:30 AM - 06:30 PM
06:30 AM - 06:30 PM

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Recent reviews on Yably

Taylor Greenwood 16.04.2024
Hello, I am an ex-employee of Primrose. I wanted to come share my views as a worker. In a lot of ways, this place is very solid. Very safe, clean, and organized. Wonderful place for the kids. However, there are quite a few complaints from an employees standpoint. Low pay rate and horrible benefits to start. Majority of staff work 8 hours straight with no breaks. Only the lead teacher is allowed an hour lunch break. No version of a teacher's lounge. No microwave to warm up lunches from home. Recently, no outside food allowed at all (not sure how anyone is supposed to survive 8 hours without decent food). They are stingy with money, but ask their workers to pay for new shirts that must be worn to work. They show extreme favoritism to a select few. They have no concern for employee's health. Administrators are generally rude and disrespectful to both employees and parents at times. This is just a quick overview of complaints. After I turned in my 2 weeks notice, I tried setting up a meeting with them to talk about some of these problems. In response, they yelled at me and kicked me out before my 2 weeks was up. It was very strange, because they had no idea what the issues were. They only knew that I wanted to talk to them. But they took it as a personal attack and threw me out as if I had not just spent the last year and half working as hard as I could. I had worked so much overtime, stayed late whenever needed, never complained. And yet, they treated me like an enemy at the first sign of honest feedback. Now I'm glad I left (and wish I'd left sooner). Also, many employees have quit due to the administrators within my year and a half of working there. To rub salt in the wound, they cut my last two weeks of pay to $7.25 an hour. Even though I did not get fired and it was their fault I left before my two weeks was over. Anyway, I hope they change some things for the sake of their employees. It affects the kids too when there's a constant cycle of new teahers. They deserve better.

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