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6211 W Warren Ave
48210 Detroit

(313) 462-4824

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Angela Castillo Source: Cylex | 30.08.2023
The sign says go to the window so you cannot enter! When I did so a guy said Wtf do you want? I said that's how you speak to your customers? He could clearly see I had a bag of their food! They usually cook with love and now some dirty thugs took over! They sent me a meal that looked like trash! They were out of tin foil and out of cartons! I said i used to buy the lemon rice soup and it was the best I ever had! He said it got stolen and sold on the black market! They laughed! He said he couldn't take the food back and refund the money! He said he'd cut the sandwiches in half and heat them up! He said they're fired for cussing at me and laughed and said they're rehired! Very unprofessional unpleasant and dirty people! Who owns this place? They should be shut down! I'm a older severely disabled lady and they were the most horrible horrendous people I've ever seen in the workplace! I'm a retired server! I can honestly say I've never met such rude and ruthless unprofessional people in my life! Only in the streets of OBT drive in Orlando Florida where I was shot at by a crackhead! They blocked the Windows while they fixed my food! Two were the blockers while one made it! If I moved to another window then they blocked that one too! This is going straight in the trash! Probably put poison or boogers in it! Those young kids and speedys for the first time disgusted me! Never ever ever again will I deal with those nasty dirty crackhead people! I kept my composer and was polite to those heathens! So God bless me! I'm on a mission to find the owner now! Someone somewhere needs to stop them from ever working with the public or around food again! You could tell they were high and drunk! I am absolutely apalled! I'm going to a real Coney island from now on! Do not go there! Trashy food and trashy people! I'm telling you they're doing stuff to your food! Don't trust anything from there! I peeped that right away! Do not eat that food!!!!!

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